Encore Project Team: Jim Emerman (project manager), Marci Alboher, Eunice Lin Nichols, Aireen Navarro Khauv, Helen Zelon
Producer: Talking Eyes
Art Direction: D Griffin Studio
Site Development: Griflan Design
Encore.org wishes to acknowledge the staff, sponsors and members of the jury who contributed to the success of The Purpose Prize over the decade.
Directors of The Purpose Prize: Jim Emerman, Alexandra Cespedes Kent, Michelle Hynes, Eunice Lin Nichols
Program Staff, Fellows and Consultants: Vanessa Alabarces, Scott Allen, Kim Arden, Jenny Griffin, Aireen Navarro Khauv, Lauren Patti, Jen Pinkowski, Kim Sedmak, Karen Sughrue, Helen Zelon
Founding Sponsors: The Atlantic Philanthropies and John Templeton Foundation
Individual Prize Sponsors: AARP, MetLife Foundation, The Eisner Foundation, Symetra Financial Corporation
Other Supporters: Hewlett-Packard, Legacy Venture, S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, Lodestar Foundation, Cordes Foundation, Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust, Diane L. Paul, The Sherry Lansing Foundation, Rik Kranenburg, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Center for Social Innovation, Stanford Graduate School of Business, The Skoll Foundation, The Case Foundation, Yahoo!, SanDisk, IDEO, Ode Magazine
Jurors: Sherry Lansing (chair), David Bornstein, Conchy Bretos, Bob Buford, Laura Carstensen, Mihaly Csizentmihalyi, Fred Davie, David Eisner, Michael D. Eisner, Linda P. Fried, Mitchell Fromstein, David Gergen, Dan Guilbert, Jennie Chin Hansen, Antonia Hernandez, Arianna Huffington, Christine James-Brown, Jo Ann Jenkins, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Wendy Kopp, Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot, Suzanne Braun Levine, Charles Ashby Lewis, Eric Liu, Monica Lozano, Michael Mendenhall, Mario Morino, Janet Murguia, Olga Davis Murray, Peter Osnos, Lynne Randolph Patterson, Jane Pauley, John Pepper, James A. Phills, Sidney Poitier, Myrtle Potter, Alma Powell, Marc Racicot, Rey Ramsey, Barry Rand, Cokie Roberts, Katherina M. Rosqueta, Kurt L. Schmoke, General Eric K Shinseki (USA Retired), Alan Solomont, Sree Sreenivasan, Gloria Steinem, Lester Strong, Erwin Tan, Jeffrey C. Taylor, Thomas J. Tierney, Linda E. Watt, Angela F. Williams, Harris Wofford
National Selection Committee: David Bornstein, Cedric Brown, Amy Clark, Kriss Deiglmeier, Claudia Escobar, Nicole Gallant, Rod Hsiao, Alice Ito, Judith Kanter, Alexandra Cespedes Kent. Joseph Mouzon, Chad Mulder, Janet Oh, Brenda Reiss-Brennan, Shirley Sagawa, Rosaline Vasquez, Gary Walker
Copyright 2016 Encore.org
Timeline photo credits: Sidney Poitier: United States Department of the Interior National Park Service [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons; The Presidential Citizen’s Medal: U.S. Gov. (The White House – The Presidential Citizen’s Medal) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons; National Constitution Center: Jeffrey M.Vinocur Creative Commons license (CC-BY-SA-3.0)