Atlantic Philanthropies began our support for The Purpose Prize ten years ago, in part to recognize and celebrate outstanding older Americans and the causes in which they’re involved. But our bigger and longer-term aim has always been to change public expectations about the later periods of life, and especially the expectations of elders about their own encore stage of life. We sought to help pave the way for a more satisfying life in later years while mining an untapped supply of experience, talent and energy for solving some of society’s biggest problems. With, we have sought to change narratives and recalibrate perceptions to view aging as, in the words of Betty Friedan, “a new stage of opportunity and strength.”
The Purpose Prize shines a light on those people – by no means ordinary – who have devoted their lives to doing extraordinary things for their communities and for the greater good. It has been our privilege, through our investment in, to help recognize and honor these amazing individuals who, day after day, live with conviction and purpose, inspiring others to follow in their footsteps, locally and around the world.
The Encore movement has made remarkable, undeniable progress over the past decade; the fundamental ideas and principles we share have become part and parcel of global conversations on aging and the “encore” stage of life.
The philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer had it right when he reminded us that “Once you’re over the hill, you begin to pick up speed.” To, and all the winners of The Purpose Prize – past, present and future – thank you for blazing the trail, kicking up the dirt and leading the way for all of us.